It has been a few years since I have even looked at this page, and to be honest I thought it had all been lost, since I stopped paying annual fees to maintain my domain name.  I am reviving this as a few people recently had asked for our itinerary on our east coast trip back in 2012 as well as asking about details from some of our more recent travels.

Since I last posted loads has happened with our family and with me.

We made a move out west to the Canadian Rockies 3 1/2 years ago.  This was to provide our family a better quality of life.  For us this means more time together as a family enjoying the outdoors.

The move has allowed me to be at home with our children, while being able to pursue education to make a complete career change once our youngest is in school full time.  I am currently studying to become and SLPA (Speech Language Pathology Assistant), with a future goal to eventually complete my masters in Speech and Language.  I was looking for a career that would allow me to have an impact on others, while still allowing me the time and ability to be at home when my kids needs me.  The interest in this new career path has stemmed from working with our youngest who was diagnosed with a severe speech delay shortly after his second birthday.  There have been many hours spent, working on speech and we will have to continue for some time to come.  There have been huge gains for him and through a great preschool program last year, he no longer has the need for an aide in the classroom.  My youngest is also our child with endless energy and so he needs lots of time outdoors to burn that energy off!

I am actively involved in both of my children’s schools (this year they are at separate schools, but hopefully next year they will be in one school together) through volunteering and as a member of each of their parent councils.

We have had many adventures in the west since we moved out here, and over the next few months I will try to share some of our adventures and any tips, tricks, itineraries, etc from them.  We invite you to join us here and always love to hear feedback, tips or ideas for new adventures.

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