13 Months

The last month just flew by and I am not really sure where it went.  We have been busy around here with me back at work and Paige in daycare full-time it has definitely taken some getting used to.  We have also had 2 ear infections over the past month and an allergic reaction to her MMR vaccine.  So looking at that I guess it is kind of easy to see where the time has gone.

Favourite Things to Do Read stories to her babies, herself and to us Walk when no one is watching Dance Going for hikes Snuggles Playing with her babies Playing on her drum Picking vegetables from the garden Helping in the kitchen Dusting/cleaning any time she can get her hands on a cloth or rag Playing on her plasma car Hiding Exploring Eating Playing her little piano Craft time/Drawing on the chalkboard Playing with friends Music
Milestones Walking on her own when she thinks no one is watching Dancing and keeping her balance without holding on New words – Banana, Daddy, Hey, No, Yeah, Gee, Uh Oh, Now Helping to undress herself Put her shoe on her right foot Climbing everything Using her signs with more frequency Signing when she is hungry Choosing her own outfits to wear (can definitely lead to some interesting ones!) Able to show us 1 with her finger when asked Following simple requests Cleaning up her toys
Favourite Foods Wild Blueberries Homemade Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Raspberries from the garden Greek yogurt (20% fat) Cheese Fish – Salmon, Fish Tacos with Cod Pasta Avocado Chickpeas/Hummus Banana Grated Pear Soup when she can feed herself with a spoon Sweet potato with cinnamon Bread Will still try anything put in front of her

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12 Months


18 Months – How Time Flies

1 Comment

  1. L-O-V-E the chalkboard!

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