Ok, first I know it has been ages since I actually updated my blog. Time has just been flying by since I have been back at work. It is hard to believe that Paige is already 18 months. How she has grown and changed over the last 5 months since I last posted.  It has been a winter full of colds, flu and ear infections.  I am sure most mom’s can attest to the sleepless nights that first winter after going back to work, but keeping our fingers crossed that now that the warmer weather is arriving that this cold & flu season may finally be over.  Also the fact that we are pretty much through the teething phase I would expect shall make a big difference as well.

The last 2 weeks Paige has been transitioning up to the toddler room at her daycare and that has not gone as smoothly as we would have liked, but I think things are finally sorted out and I don’t have to be worrying to much about my little girl!

Paige has become so independent and we have seen her grow by leaps and bounds. The last 6 weeks have been especially big with so many changes coming at us. Our little girl is growing up.

Favourite Things To Do: Go outside Sing Play in her kitchen and with her babies Bake and help cook Reading stories Snuggles Music & Dancing Helping with everything around the house Playing on her plasma car Skyping with her Nanna & Pops Arts & Crafts

What I can do:

Huge number of words, signs, and starting to put simple sentences together Picking out all of her own outfits Putting on her boots by herself Helping to undress and dress herself Putting on her coat by herself Understanding multi-step instructions Able to communicate her wants & needs Turn on the radio herself Do the actions to songs Sitting on a stool at the kitchen island on her own Measure out ingredients Able to go for walks Identify some colours and animals Tell us the names of her friends at daycare Wipe her own nose Puzzles Getting her own snacks Favourite Foods: Fish Tacos Homemade pasta noodles and sauce Berries (all types) Kiwi Yogurt Apple Sauce Sweet Potato Homemade Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Avocado Cheese (all types) Mango Still not overly keen on most meats – will eat ham sometimes. Willing to try most things put in front of her at least once.

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