Happy Easter

It is a quiet week-end around here for Easter.  We are celebrating with just the 3 of us since the rest of the family is either celebrating with the other side or are away.  We are enjoying the family time together.

Friday we continued our visit with my brother Fraser, how wife Meghan and their son Callum.  Paige and Callum seemed to be having a great time rolling around on the carpet and playing together.

After the little ones had some play time and were fed we headed out for a hike.  We decided we would check out a new trail.  Our first choice for new trails to try was so busy that cars were parked quite a ways down the street, so we decided to skip that one and headed further up the road to a different trail.  The trail we chose – North Walker Woods , didn’t have much to look at and was fairly flat.  It was great for chatting and catching up on, but if you are looking for scenic then this is not the one for you.  The little ones enjoyed being out on the trails.  Callum stayed awake the entire time, while Paige took the opportunity to nap.

After hiking we stopped at Hy Hope Farm to pick up some grass fed beef and pickles to make hamburgers for lunch.  We frequent this farm since it is close by and the food is good.  The best time to go is when the bread is being made and then pick up a fresh loaf that is still warm.

Yesterday was very productive around here.  We picked up 1 yard of mulch and got the cedar hedge, front, south side and back gardens mulched.  As well we aerated the lawn.  Once we were down with our lawn we made our way down to one of the neighbours to help them aerate their lawn.  We then headed to a third neighbours house to visit,  and see their gardens and pond while they aerated their lawn.

We finished off the evening with local fish and chips and a snuggle with Paige on the couch.

Today we will clean up some more of the gardens and figure out how much more mulch we will need for the remaining gardens and possibly transplant a few plants if the rain holds off.  The sun is shining right now, but they are calling for rain this afternoon.

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The Great Cloth Diaper Change


Do you ever feel there is not enough time in the day?


  1. Sounds like a very fun, productive Easter!

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  2. Wow you brought tiny ones to a hike! And you guys seemed like you had tons of fun during Easter, so that's great. Dropping in from Voiceboks.

  3. Sounds like you all had a great weekend! I miss the times when I could just back my kids in a pack and have them close by!! I think it's so cool that your nephew is so close in age to your daughter. My sister and I had two of our children close together and it really makes family gatherings that much more fun! I am also a bit of a mulch queen so you got me with that as well! Good for you, you got a lot done, I still have a lot of mulching to do! Great to find you on voiceBoks, I'm now happily following you now! Look forward to reading more!

  4. HI Anne, Paige and I hike at least once or twice a week sometimes more. She loves hiking and being outdoors, it is great.

  5. It will definitely be great once they are older being so close in age. Hoping they become very good friends. Thanks for following.

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