It has been a fairly quiet week around here, but Paige has kept me busy.  She has been having a fussy week (thinking this is due to teething – she was moaning lots and rather restless in her sleep last night).

Tuesday was our second swimming class and Paige once again had a blast.  This week we put the little ones in PFD’s for the class.  Paige loved it since it gave her some independence in the pool.  She swam 3 full lengths of the pool on her back without help.  Paige was just itching to swim lengths every time we were doing other activities.  We also worked on having the little ones jump off the side of the pool so that in the event they were to fall off a dock or out of a boat they wouldn’t be too scared.  My daughter is a real water baby.

Wednesday Paige had a play date with her older cousin Jack.  Jack was very excited to see her when we walked in the door and I think Paige was happy to have another little one to play with.  We let them play for a little bit before heading out for a short walk with all of the kids.

After lunch we then headed down for Paige to have a visit with her Great Nanna & Great Grandpa.  She was being a little fussy at first, but once she got comfortable there she was crawling all over the place and chatting up a storm.  Paige is very lucky as she will have the opportunity to know all of her great grandparents.

Yesterday my vehicle was in the shop for an oil change and to have my winter tires removed.  We weren’t sure how long it would take, so Paige, Tessa and I went for a long walk to the end of our road across the concession road and down the following road.  Only catch was, I thought that we would be able to get all the way down to the highway on the next road over, but with it being a road that has now been closed they have created a rather large drop off.  So we had to turn around just before the highway and walk the loop back (this was roughly a 10.5 km walk).  Thank goodness I had put Paige in the stroller since I hadn’t planned to go on such a long walk.  It is amazing the things you notice when you are walking as opposed to driving.  We stopped to watch the horses on the one farm for a bit on our way back and then stopped to watch the ducks in the pond at the end of our road.  Paige had a nice nap and was in a slightly better mood when we got home.  I think all of that fresh air helped.

After recovering a little from our walk, we walked over to pick up the vehicle and headed down to Vandermeer Nursery to find out what to do about our lawn (the grubs and skunks have made a real mess of it already, and we ended up with a fair amount of crab grass during the “drought” last summer).  After speaking with someone there we decided to fertilize with a combination fertilizer and corn gluten mix.  Then in 6 weeks we will need to top dress and put down seed on all of the dead spots.  I was amazed to see all of the plants they already have out at the nursery.  The trilliums were already blooming at the nursery so I guess we missed getting some more for the yard this year (Tessa ate all but one of the ones I planted last year).  We did pick up a couple herbs as well which I will keep inside in one of our windows until it warms up a little.  I love having a good selection of herbs in the garden.

On another note, I ordered 2 custom cloth diapers from Love Earth Love Cloth and the print choices were finalized this week.  It was so hard to only order 2 when I saw all of the cute fabric choices and the reviews on these diapers are good.  One of them is going to have a ruffle bum which I think will be so cute for the summer under Paige’s dresses and skirts.

This is the back side of the diaper (won’t it be cute?) Today we are off for a stroller walk with the group we usually walk with on Fridays. Today we are going to do a waterfront path instead of the one we usually do. The stroller walk is generally around 5km or a little more so I would imagine today will be the same. The weather is supposed to be very nice today, so I don’t think we will need the storm cover on the stroller. Well off to get the diapers on the line.

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