12 Months

Today Paige turns One.  It has been a fantastic year of learning, making wonderful new, adventures galore and lots of laughs.  So many things have changed for both of us over the year.  I have  really started to feel established where we live now that I have made some great friends with similar interests all thanks to Paige.  We have covered loads of km’s on hiking trails around the Durham/GTA region as well as through New England and Maine.  My goal for this coming year is to track our mileage covered for Paige to read later.

Who knew that a little one could change ones life so much (for the better) and could open so many doors as well.

We have enjoyed music lessons, swimming, hiking, zoo visits, camping, finger painting, stroller walks, and get togethers with other new moms.  We have learned about new places to check out near us.  I have also found that being able to share the activities I love with Paige can be a really neat experience since I can see things in a new light and from a new perspective.

With Paige I will definitely continue to learn loads and I suspect I will be tested in the years to come by her determination and stubbornness!

Many people warned me that the first year with a little one would be way more work than I could ever imagine, it would be very trying, exhausting and one of the hardest years.  I found it to be the complete opposite.  It was one of my best years, one of my least stressful years, and one of my most fun years.  I found it to be easier than I was expecting and I embraced it full heartedly.

Paige had her cousins and friends over for a painting party this past Saturday to celebrate.  It was a good excuse to get the little ones together now that we are all back to work, allow us moms to catch up and have a great day watching the littles ones enjoy themselves fully.

Favourite Things To Do: Read stories to her dolls, herself or with us Walk around the kitchen and dining room with her walker or one of the stools Dance Skyping with family Going for hikes Bath time Snuggles Playing with her babies Playing in the yard and picking vegetables from the garden Helping Daddy with our renovation projects Helping in the kitchen Sitting at the kitchen island on one of the stools Playing on her plasma car Playing hide & see Exploring Eating Playing her little piano Climbing up the stairs Craft time Playing with her friends Milestones Standing on her own Taking a couple steps out in the yard on her own New words: – pretty, dress, silly, baby, puppy, doggie, why, Tessa Trying to dress herself – helping put on her shirts and dresses, trying to put her socks on Climbing on things Walking with her walker Able to propel the plasma car using the steering wheel Making animals sounds while reading Mr Brown Can Moo to herself trying to chain up Tessa outside opening her bedroom cupboards and taking her toys out, and putting them back Blowing kisses Giving hugs Using the little rocking chair in her room on her own Picking vegetables from the garden opening the baby gates Favourite Foods Peaches Wild Blueberries Blackberries Greek Yogurt (20% fat) Cheese Cottage Cheese Avocado Pasta- with pretty much any sauce Sweet Potato with cinnamon Bannas in the peel Cheese bunnies Tacos at daycare Green beans from the garden Fresh Bread Paige still continues to try new foods

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11 Months


13 Months

1 Comment

  1. Avocado is also a fave on our end. Oh! And hiking too. She looks awesome in that blue outfit.

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