11 Months

Paige is 11 months today and it is now less than 1 month before I head back to work.  I am going to miss spending all of this time with my little princess and it will definitely be an adjustment for both of us!  Paige has been using her signs a great deal more which makes communication a little easier for her.    Unfortunately Paige has also started experiencing night terrors which can occur at night and also occasionally during her afternoon naps.  Paige had 5 top teeth come in this month without much fuss, just a desire to snuggle more.  We have also started to experience some separation anxiety with Paige, which I am sure she will get over fairly quickly once she starts with daycare.

Favourite Things To Do: Reading stories with us or to her dolls Climb up and down the stairs Climb everything in sight Use the dining room chairs and stools as walkers Open the screen doors Skyping with family Going for hikes Swimming/bath time – especially jumping off the side of the pool, or putting her face under Snuggles Finger Painting Singing and using her musical instruments Playing with friends Sleeping Chasing Tessa Playing in the yard and garden and tasting everything she can find Feeding herself with a fork or spoon Having tea parties Play hide and seek in the family room Watch and play in the rain
Milestones Climbing up and down the stairs Climbing up onto our bed and anything else possible Said Nanna Opening doors and baby gates Feeding herself yogurt and more liquidy meals with a spoon Making skype calls on her own when we aren’t watching Following simple instructions more regularly Put things into and take them out of a container Climb down from a chair or couch Help dress and undress herself
Favourite Foods Plain yogurt blueberries blackberries avocado cheese homemade mac and cheese (loves if it has lots of garlic in it) cherries apple chunks oatcakes homemade apple cinnamon oatmeal wants to try everything we are eating and will try everything a couple of times before giving up on it

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Day 13 – Catch up with an old friend


12 Months

1 Comment

  1. Congrats on your first 11 months of motherhood. I love the group pic … ahem… cough, cough… 😉

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